Selasa, 28 April 2009

KISI2 PR!!!!!

Topic 1
1.These are the types of Publicity, except:
a. Article
b. Editorial
c. Relating to the news
d. Flyer

2.The way to get publicity is…
a. Make media become the source of information
b. The information can be important or not
c. Create a long writing
d. We don’t have to know the need of mass media

Topic 2
1.Needed in a campaign to make the project systematic and for it to run smoothly?
a. A Publicity plan
b. Public relation plan
c. Marketing relation plan
d. Media relation plan

2.UPI is…
a. Under cover press indonesia
b. United press International
c. Unlimited Press International
d. Underage press International

Topic 3
1.There are characteristic of news, except…
a. News must be interesting to a particular audience
b. News must be content 1 element
c. News should be timely
d. News makers must always be on constant lookout for news

2. There are some aspects that attracted mass media…
a. News can created sensation to publics
b. News can not combine the commercials
c. News only contain 1 element
d. News should be timely

Topic 4
1.Types of funtuationmarks, except…
a. Semicolon
b. Brackets round and triangle
d. The dash

2. These are things to avoid, except…
a. Avoid repetation
b. Avoid using long words
c. Avoid foreign words
d. Avoid short sentences

Topic 5
1. Types of business journals or publication, except…
a. Trade publication
b. Technical publication
c. Institutional publication
d. Company publication

2. how to develop information so the business process that we do to get publish…
a. make it simple about the information
b. make illustrate so the reader can get the message
c. journalist give information to the reader
d. visualized data

topic 6
1. Tips in planning a special event photo session, except…
a. Find out what special activities of schedule, where and when
b. Take the picture of people doing whatever they normally do in places where they normally do it
c. All necessary props must be available
d. Make arrangement fo r good photographers

2. What is menaing of photography PR?
a. How to make photo outline so that it has publicity value
b. Publicity is defined as any information or action, topic and other relevant matters to public notice
c. To stress the importance of planning in any activity, and certainly in a publicity
d. For legal safety

Topic 7
1. What is defined Publicity….
a. Study the biography of the person you are interview, so you can limit your questation as to his expressive
b. Any kind of news release
c. Simply as anthing that is made public or disseminated to the public
d. Introducing a new product or services needed

2. This is the tips in balancing your publicity with your human resources, except…
a. Join in special event in your community to take advantage of other publicity personel
b. Use query letters to all editors before submitting a story
c. Stay with exclusive stories you can manange yourself If you have enough staff to do mass mailing
d. Schedule only what you can handle

Topic 8
1. What is UPI stands for:
a. United Press International
b. Uni People International
c. United Press Instutition
d. Unique Press International

2. These are examples of media experts and other human resources or support system, except……
a. Secretarial service
b. Offset printing
c. Meeting group
d. Mailing services

Topic 1
1. Anything that is made public or disseminated to public is defined as...
a. Public Relations
b. Publicity Campaign
c. Publicity
d. Publicity Plan

2. Below are kinds of publicity objectives, except..
a. Anticipate the questions from the media
b. Starting a new business and looking for your first few customers
c. Introducing a new product or service
d. The company, product or service need to be better know

Topic 2
1. These are how to get publicity ideas, except:
a. Keep your publicity plan simple and flexible
b. Brainstorming
c. Collect the facts
d. Keep your publicity programme realistic

2. Which category of newspaper that includes weekly newspaper….
a. A group
b. B group
c. C group
d. D group

Bab 3
1. What is publicity for?
a. Reporting the news
b. To promote
c. To give information
d. A, b, c correct

1. How to get publicity on tv and radio?
a. Annual shareholders meeting
b. Ask other experts for comment about your news
c. Changing the compny or product image
d. Personal milestones

Topic 3
1. Promotions and appointments is a part of:
a. Characteristics of a news
b. Types of news item for publicity
c. Getting publicity on TV and Radio
d. Types of new campaign

2. Below is characteristics of a news, except:
a. News should by timely
b. What happens nearby is news
c. News must contain more elements
d. News should be propaganda

Topic 4
1. What is the meaning of “Jargons”
a. Terms of contempt for something that the readers do not understand
b. A figure of speech, a way of describing an object or action imaginatively and without being directly related to its direct meaning.
c. A figure of speech that compares are thing with another.
d. Originate from a “French” word that means, repetitious.

2. The things to avoid, except:
a. Avoid foreign words
b. Avoid long sentences
c. Avoid used to introduce a quote
d. Avoid repetitions.

Topic 5
1. How to get publicity in the business to business press, except:
a. Focus Group Discussion and Press Up date
b. Focus Group Discussion and Education
c. Education and Press Up date
d. Education and Survey

2. Below are B to B Press in Indonesia:
a. Times
b. News Week
c. Investor Daily
d. B to B magazine

Topic 5
1. How to get stories in trade journals?
a. Straight news items must be sent regularly and specific terms are not needed
b. Do research thoroughly and keep the sentences and paragraphs short
c. Must be full of ideas and brief and keep the paragraphs long
d. Photographs related to stories must be glossy print and begin with the specific element of the story

2. Primarily in such fields as electronics, communications, engineering technology and electricity. What type of business journals is it?
a. Trade publications
b. Institutional publications
c. Technical publications
d. industrial publications

Topic 6
1. Caption content and style should be brief ideally between…… words
a. 20-30
b. 30-40
c. 40-50
d. 50-60

2. Which of these options not include in tips in planning special event photo session?
a. Find out what special activities are scheduled, where, when
b. Line up the place where the photo session will be held
c. Provide food and drink
d. Hire professional models if you need them

Bab 1
1. What is definition of publicity ?
a. Any information or action that brings a person, action, topic and other relevant matters to public notice
b. Simply as anything that is made public or disseminated to public
c. Any kind of news
d. All the following answer are true

2. How to classify your consumer markets? Except...
a. By gender
b. By social status and financial status
c. By age group
d. By family background

Bab 2
1. Choose the right way how to get publicity ideas,except:
a. Brainstorm with other specialist
b. Make your publicity plan unique
c. Keep your publicity programe realistic
d. Make your publicity plan un-flexible

2. How many categories of newspaper?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5

Bab 4
2. Things to check out when writing articles
a. Simple and understanable
b. Using long words
c. How quotes are deal with
d. Use to indicate a pair

3. What is bold used for?
a. To explain something important
b. To start a sentence with a figure, spell it out instead
c. To set style that should be a priority for everything produce
d. Helps the reader to identify subject, change and adds visual interest

Bab 6
1. What is photo captions?
a. Photo opportunity
b. A brief description of the subjects shown on the picture
c. Good idea to get a release from each person photograph
d. Learn a lot studying published photos

4. Give some main points when you make photo captions with releases?
a. Caption should be brief, heading, reveal the content of the photo, name of the issuing, write the caption round the vip
b. Not using smaller type of text on the caption,not detail,not clear information
c. Not aware with copyright,readers can identify with the photo ,caveless background
d. The content is coming from not competent source,don’t have to make arrangement for good photographers

1. These statements below are kinds of publicity objectives, except..(C)
a. Introducing a new product / service.
b. Need to promote a special event.
c. Not need to build a better reputation.
d. Sales in going down.

2. Which was not publicity?(A)
a. Brochure.
b. Newspaper.
d. Magazine.

3.Which one are not kinds of publicity objectives…(C)
a. Starting new business
b. Introducing a new product
c. To make bad reputation
d. Promote a special event

4.This are can be used to make a publicity, except..(A)
a. Brochure
b. Article
c. Ceremonia
d. Editorial

1.What is the best time to release a newspaper? (D)
a. Sunday and Friday
b. National day
c. Afternoon between 10 am to 5 pm
d. Morning between 6 am and 11 am

2.What is the interest of newspaper? (B)
a. Newspaper have specific appeal
b. Newspaper is the product with mass internet
c. Newspaper is a place for several things to get publicities
d. Newspaper is basicly needed to get information

3.A way to get publicities ideas?(B)
a. Planning
b. Brainstorming
c. Marketing
d. PR

4.Why publicity plan is needed in a campaign?(A)
a. To make it systematic and run smoothly
b. To sale more
c. To build image
d. To create awareness

1.This is the characteristics of news, except..(C)
a. news must contain more elements
b. What happens nearby is news
c. Changing the company of product image
d. News should be timely

2.A practical guide to effective promotion by charles Mallory is..(B)
a. Mass Media
b. Publicity Power
c. Publicity’s Characteristic
d. Mass Publicity

3.Which one types of news items for publicity? (A)
a. Promotion and appointments
b. News should be timely
c. Personal meeting
d. Secret mission

4.How to maintain relationship with the media?(A)
a. Facility visit and gala dinner
b. Paid them and being selfish
c. Personal contact and sabotage
d. Libel and morning breakfast

1.Here are things you must avoid when you want to write a publicity, except..(D)
a. Avoid foreign words
b. Avoid using the wrong word
c. Keep it simple and understandable
d. Using short sentences

2.Dash ( / ) is use to?(D)
a. A stronger pause
b. Used in numbers, number fractions
c. For unusual words
d. Use to indicate a Pair

3.What is the indicates of the end of sentences and the end of that statement?(A)
a. The full stop or period (.)
b. The semicolon (;)
c. The colon ( : )
d. The comma (,)

4.Which one is not the type of punctuation marks?(D)
a. The full stop or period (.)
b. The semicolon (;)
c. The colon ( : )
d. Jargons

1.Business to business press is also called (A)
a. Trade journalis
b. Publicity
c. Press
d. Public relation

2.What is the example of B to B magazine, except (B)
a. Business Week
b. Gadis
c. Investor Dialy
d. SWA

3.which one is not a type of business journalis or publications?(C)
a. Institutional Publication
b. Professional Publication
c. Business to Business Publication
d. Combination vocational-management publication

4.Trade publicity is needed in this situation below, except..(A)
a. When unit purchase is smaller
b. When trade publication has a long life
c. When unit purchase are much largers
d. When trade publication generally have multiple readership

1.What is photo Caption? (B)
a. Caption
b. A brief description of the subject
c. Photo
d. Titles

2.Photo Session also called as…(C)
a. Picture
b. Photo Box
c. Photo Opportunity
d. Photo Caption

3.What captions that is not included in publications…(B)
a. Distinguishing caption from text
b. Caption style and content
c. Chaptions for charts
d. Captioning group of photographs

4.Brief description of the subject shown on the picture, putting life to the still captured in the photo called..( C )
a. Photo Release
b. Photo Session
c. Photo Caption
d. Photo Press

1. first step of campaign planning is :
a. collecting facts
b. doing research
c. decide an objectives
d. evaluating programme

2. prepare facts sheets and biographies and organize everything before making your contacts is the tips on..
a. balancing your publicity with human resources
b. balancing time with the publicity size
c. balancing funds with the publicity size
d. all answers are correct

3. which are the statement below that does NOT include on classfying consumer market?
a. schedule only what you can handle
b. by age groups
c. social status
d. gender

4. which is the correct statement for tips on balancing funds with the publicity size?
a. introducing a new product or service
b. need to promote a special event
c. study the media you want to contact
d. need to expand the use of your product

1. one major pont to get publicity ideas is :
a. research on company financial history
b. check on several sources
c. set up the publicity support system
d. brainstorming with others

2. one major point to get into newspaper publlicity is..
a. learn about wore services transmitted via satelite
b. organize you publicity staff
c. your publicity must be unique & attractive
d. secure photographs of the people,the product design,the location and the process

3. choose the best way to create publicity planning...
a. make your publicity plan unique
b. support sysyem,secretarial,printing,photographers,mailing
c. collect the facts
d. do your homework,find all the necessary details about the publication

4. which category of newspaper that includes daily newspaper with circulation of 50.000 to 100.000?
a. A Group
b. B Group
c. C Group
d. A,B,C are FALSE

1. the reasons that a news is published by media,EXCEPT..
a. advertisement will be come among if the good news is published or having advertisement values
b. media always write any news
c. interesting news will be waited by the audience to know more information
d. news will be published by media if could changes the world

2. should be timely,news must be interesting,news must be contained more elements those are include in :
a. publicity for reporting the news
b. types of news item
c. getting publicity on TV & radio
d. characteristics of the news

3. what makes a media publish a news,EXCEPT..
a. interesting
b. change the situation
c. benefit from advertisement
d. the news is out of date

4. characteristics of news :
a. false facts
b. timely
c. no headline
d. only few elements

1. a figure of speech that compares one thing with another, of a different kind and is usually identified by inserted 'as' or 'like' , it's called...
a. metaphor
b. slang
c. similes
d. idioms

2. these are the things to avoid when we are writing for publicity,EXCEPT...
a. avoid using too many apostrophes (')
b. avoid foreign words
c. avoid long sentences
d. avoid repetitions

3. these are things to avoid in writing for publicity,EXCEPT..
a. using repetitions
b. simple and understandable
c. using long words
d. using foreign words

4. these are things to check when writing articles of the press in the publication's style,EXCEPT..
a. how figures are set
b. how names are written
c. when and where capitals are used
d. how quotes are NOT dealth with

1. Choose types of bussines journals or publications:
a. education journalism
b. professional publications and institutional publications
c. vocational journals
d. trade journals sevices

2. define visual means in getting publicity in bussines to bussines :
a. give visualisation through data and fact, so journalist easy to read and understand
b. give a chance to media to do discussion about bussines
c. present a seminar for journalis
d. present education for journalis. ex: classroom,experencial learning

1. which of this tips are NOT TRUE in planning a special event photo session,EXCEPT...
a. find out what special activities are scheduled,where and when
b. put a heading
c. hire professional models
d. make arrangement for good photographers

2. how to makesa good picture
a. set off captions from text by using smaller type,different typr face, or by setting in italics or bold if the text is in plian or roman type
b. refer to the source organisation,service or product
c. photos should be rubber,stamped on the back with a statement of the copy
d. must have emotional impact


Rabu, 15 April 2009

Jadwal Mid...

Monday, 27 April 2009
09.00-10.30: Desktop Publishing group 1
11.00-12.30: Desktop Publishing group 2
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
09.00-10.30: Media Relations
11.00-12.30: Professional Studies
Thursday, 30 April 2009
11.00-12.30: PR and Publicity
Monday, 4 May 2009
11.00-12.30: Communication Persuasion
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
11.00-12.30: MCR Qualitative
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
09.00-10.30: English Communication 2
Friday, 8 May 2009
09.00-10.30: Cultural Anthropology


Minggu, 12 April 2009

Make up class!!!!

Make up class, guys!!!!

MCR Qualitative
Room 11
Friday, 17 April 2009


sudah ada yg berencana tidak masuk????!!! hayoooo ....

Senin, 06 April 2009


Napa ya, susah sekali meluangkan waktu pas pulang kuliah u/ dikasih tau pengumuman, padahal cm 5'-10'...
kan buat loe2 juga guys....=(

Pengen curhat jadinya, kaya tadi misalnya, guw udah mau nawarin syp yang mau beli buku medrel, padahal guw udah punya...
kalo guw ga peduli, guw ga mau nawarin loe2 smua u/ pesen...
Pliz guys, next time lebih aware , key...
honestly, guw ga suka ngom di depan kelas, coz guw bukan dosen, jadi ga mau ngeguruin, tapi cape juga kalo musti ngom ke tiap2 anak...=(

Saran dan kritik, langsung aja isi comment di sini..

thx guys...=D

Jumat, 03 April 2009



05 Sheryll Angelina
07 Grace Amelia Talimbekas
12 Arlene Stephani
21 Sitti Syahleena Ramadhani

Happy Birthday guys!!
Wish You All The Best!

Tugas Desktop Publishing

guys, banyak banget opini yg simpang siur ttg tgs D.P coz si pak Doy kasih perintah yg beda ke kita... So, rasanya kita harus samain persepsi tgsnya ni...

Jenis tugas: Laporan

1. Content Makalah
1.1 Background (berbagai alasan loe membuat perusahaan/ide
1.2 Company Profile (profil jelas perusahaan loe)
1.3 Objective (tujuan berdirinya perusahaan itu)
1.4 Analysis ( 5W+1H dan/atau SWOT)
2. Konsep Logo
2.1 Phylosophy (bisa tergantung visi misi perusahaan loe)
2.2 Colour
2.3 Font/typography
2.4 Stationeries (logo tersebut direalisasikan pada kop
surat,amplop, & kartu nama)

(Stationeries boleh hanya bentuk ide yang dibuat adobenya atau dibuat aslinya dan bisa ditambah stationeries lain seperti memo, gelas, pin, kaos, dll)

Rabu, 01 April 2009

thank's greeting..

Teman2 yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam charity, THANK YOU banyak ya...
Kelas PR 11-1C emang ga cm cerdas, gokil, and bawel, tapi juga punya rasa empati yang tinggi...
two thumbs up, guys!!
lain kali kalau ada lagi, aktif lagi yaa...

Jadwal Tugas terbaruuu..

Info Tugas.....

Just For PR 11-1C

Mau tahu tugas-tugas kita???

1. PR and Publicity: Surat pembaca, Blog, Artikel
2. English Communication: Baca novelnya, buat paragraf
3. Desktop Publishing: Install page maker+ photo adobe
4. kuis comm persuasion (15 april 2009)

1. Media Relations: Tentukan isu yang diangkat dan alasan, ringkas buku Yosal babIII
2. PR and Publicity: kumpul tugas 8 media ttg 1 isu publisitas.
3. Desktop publishing: tugas besar (launching produk/seminar/dll)

Ayo, kerjain tgsnya sejak dini teman-teman!... hehehe...